We are pleased to announce that the ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’ initiative on behalf of the Scottish Government granted us almost £9,000 from the ‘Community Climate Asset Fund’. Their fortitude in ‘supporting the green recovery in Scotland’s communities’ is essential to help organisations like us to achieve our goals and to tackle climate change.
Krishna Eco Farm, which is a principal project of ISKCON Scotland, has worked hard – and happily! – towards creating a model that demonstrates and educates people on how to grow food locally, how to reduce their carbon footprint, and how to maintain good physical and mental health by living sustainable lives.
The grant has been awarded for the purchase of insulation, a hot-box compost bin, wood processing tools, materials to build compost bays, raised beds, polytunnel for growing plants, a wood drying facility, and an ‘arts and crafts’ learning space. This is with the view to help the people in South Lanarkshire and Glasgow to reduce carbon emissions by teaching sustainable, beyond organic methods of living and food-sourcing and how to maintain good physical and mental health.
The CCAF is a Scottish Government fund, administered by ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’, and 279 community-based organisations from across Scotland have been awarded more than £3.2 millions of funding to tackle climate change. We are very grateful for receiving support from the ‘Community Climate Asset Fund’. It will enhance our ability to carry on with our initiatives and grow our projects towards a more sustainable world.
Check out our updated reports on how CCAF has supported the “green recovery” at the Krishna Eco Farm:
– New Garden Tools and Equipment;
– Increasing energy efficiency at our Eco Farm.
For further details on the fund access www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/ccaf. In order to keep updated on ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’ projects follow them on Twitter and Facebook. You can also follow the ‘Scottish Government’ account, and ‘Greener Scotland’ Twitter and Facebook profiles.
#CCAFScot #climatechange #sustainalibility #ecofarm #greenenergy