In the modern, fast-paced, demanding world people face many challenges such as stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, burn out and so many other issues. Our aim is to help people by using the time and science proven tools of yoga, meditation and positive thinking with a yoga wisdom perspective.
We strongly feel that prevention is better than cure. Physical fitness gets plenty of attention, however this is not good enough anymore! MENTAL FITNESS is becoming even more important than physical fitness.
Just like the body can get diseased and out of shape without enough physical activity, our minds can get ‘out of shape’ and become overwhelmed with anxiety and negative, dis-empowering and even depressive thoughts.
To help people to stay in good shape physically, mentally and spiritually, we run meditation, yoga and other well-being events and retreats.

Staying well at home
‘Mantra Music for Wellbeing’, Every 2nd Friday, 18.00-20.00, Live Stream.
It has been scientifically proven that mantra music and mantra meditation has a very positive impact on mental health by reducing the level of stress, promoting happiness and helping one achieve balance and peace

Centre for well-being and conscious living in Glasgow
In January 2019 we started a well-being centre in Glasgow. The mission of this centre is to promote the art of sustainable happiness and conscious living. To fulfill this goal we aim to empower people to experience a higher taste in life by satisfying physical, emotional and spiritual needs in a harmonious way.
The centre offers, yoga, meditation and wisdom sessions and delicious vegan all you can eat events.
All the profits from the centre go to support our charitable causes.

We’ve been running student societies in Glasgow since 2013
Being away from home in a big city and lacking a feeling of belonging, the pressures of exams and taking more responsibility in life are just a few challenges that can make life at university quite stressful, anxious and sometimes even lonely.
The aim of our Bhakti Yoga Societies is not only to help students physically and emotionally, but also to help them find a sense of community and belonging. Moreover, life is full of challenges and we aim to equip students at this early stage of their life with powerful tools like meditation, yoga and wisdom. These tools help individuals find a deeper purpose and values which will serve to help them navigate their way through various ups and downs, not only at university, but throughout the rest of their lives.
Currently we run three student societies in the Glasgow area:
1) University of Glasgow (since 2013)
2) University of West of Scotland (since 2017)
3) University of Strathclyde (since 2020)

Therapeutic garden project
We started our Krishna Eco farm in 2012. Apart from teaching sustainable living, one of the main aims of the farm is to provide much needed well-being. This comes from being in nature, working on the land, being part of a community and practicing yoga and meditation. These practices are very healing, time-proven, scientific and empowering ways to significantly improve one’s physical and emotional health.
Since 2012 we have hosted more than 800 people:
1) providing them with an education in sustainability
2) giving opportunities for individual growth
3) teaching how to become more resilient to life’s challenges
4) experiencing a more peaceful and purposeful lifestyle.
We also run regular, yoga and meditation events and retreats for the general public. Proceeds go to support our charity work.

We strongly believe that wellbeing is not meant exclusively for human beings, but also for animals.
We are dedicated to caring for animals. Mahatma Gandhi said: “the greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. All life is sacred and we believe it is our responsibility to protect it.
We are trying to promote lifestyles which are free from violence. In sanskrit this principle is called ‘Ahimsa’. Ahimsa means ‘not to injure’ and ‘compassion’ and refers to a key virtue within yoga wisdom traditions. Ahimsa is also referred to as nonviolence. This applies to all living beings — including all animals. You can find more about the Ahimsa principle on Wikipedia.
In October 2017 an opportunity arose to give sanctuary to some Alpacas, who have been in our care ever since.
They are very social beings and like to spend time with each other. Each Alpaca has their own personality and character. We enjoy looking after and caring for these beautiful creatures. We invite you to do the same.

Sharing Music that Uplifts and Heals
In order to make the wellbeing that comes from mantra music more accessible to people in Scotland, in 2009 we formed a mantra music meditation band – Kirtan Scotland. Since then we have been running various one-off and regular events across Scottish towns and cities including Aberdeen, Findhorn, Inverness, Glasgow and Edinburgh. The Kirtan Scotland band use an eclectic blend of both traditional and modern instruments and engage eastern and western melodies to give a wide variety of moods, from meditative to upbeat and energetic.
There is a growing body of scientific research that proves how effective and powerful mantra meditation is for our wellbeing. Here are just a few examples:
* Mantra – powerful way improve your well-being
* Kirtan – the easy meditation can improve your brain
* Neuroscience and the sanskrit effect

Well-being through systematic education, courses and retreats
Bhakti Yoga Academy (formerly Bhakti Yoga Scotland) was started to facilitate the development of a community of people working together to spread much needed well-being, peace and compassion by bringing people together to experience the joy, beauty and happiness which come through the practices of Bhakti Yoga.
Bhakti yoga Academy aims to:
– inspire character, self-value, self-development, enlightenment and transformation – helping people to be the positive change they want to see in the world
– teach the principle of seva (selfless service) by cultivating compassion, sharing wisdom and making this world a better place
– teach eco-responsibility – caring for the planet, the environment and every living being
– help people to find peace of mind and a deeper purpose in life.
– make wisdom and practices of bhakti yoga accessible to everyone from all walks of life
– teach the techniques of Bhakti Yoga – mantra meditation, kirtan, seva and musical instruments, etc.
– preserve the authenticity of Bhakti Yoga through courses, workshops and certifications
– increase the numbers of certified teachers that can deliver authentic and enlightening Bhakti Yoga experiences and teachings
– organise events, courses and retreats to achieve the above purposes
Make a Difference
Help Us Make a Difference
If you feel moved by our work – we would very much appreciate your support. You are welcome to give a one-off or regular donation. It’s easy and most importantly, it will make a major difference in the lives of so many. Please click below to donate now.